All blogs about javascript

Director using a clapperboard
8 Oct 2024

Building a view counter with Astro's Server Islands and Actions

4 min reading time

  • astro
  • javascript
Person drawing flags on the ground
9 May 2024

Feature flags with Astro + Vercel Toolbar

5 min reading time

  • vercel
  • javascript
  • astro
Page of a dictionary
15 Nov 2023

A minimal dependency-free translation system for Next.js

6 min reading time

  • nextjs
  • react
  • javascript
Chrome logo repeated in a grid
4 Sept 2023

Developing a Chrome extension to convert the current url to localhost in 1 click

4 min reading time

  • javascript
  • chrome extension
  • html
The word update spelled out with scrabble blocks
10 Jul 2023

Keeping your dependencies up to date in a visual way using npm-check-updates

2 min reading time

  • javascript
  • nodejs
Github discussion style comment section
18 Jun 2023

Using GitHub Discussions to host my Astro blog comments and reactions

3 min reading time

  • javascript
  • astro
  • react
Stars in space
8 Mar 2023

Using TRPC in Astro and its (React) islands

7 min reading time

  • astro
  • react
  • javascript
Phone with passcode screen
18 Feb 2023

Setting up authentication in Astro with Prisma and Planetscale

4 min reading time

  • javascript
  • astro
  • authentication
Bunch of tags hanging up on a cardboard wall
5 Feb 2023

Automatically generating pages for each tag used in Astro with MDX

4 min reading time

  • javascript
  • astro
  • html
Neural network displayed with blue lines
10 Dec 2022

Adding Vercel og:image generation to Astro project with Edge function

4 min reading time

  • javascript
  • edge
  • vercel
  • astro
Person typing on a laptop
28 Nov 2022

Adding comments to my Astro blog with PlanetScale and Prisma on Vercel Edge

6 min reading time

  • react
  • javascript
  • databases
  • html
  • astro
Typewriter with reading glasses on wooden desk
20 Nov 2022

Creating a blog platform with Astro and MDX

5 min reading time

  • astro
  • html
  • css
  • javascript
Neon lights in different colors on black background
2 Feb 2022

Migrating my portfolio site from Next.js to Remix

8 min reading time

  • nextjs
  • remix
  • react
  • javascript
Laptop displaying Google Maps
29 Sept 2021

Easy way to integrate Google Maps in React

4 min reading time

  • nextjs
  • javascript
  • react
Next.js conf 2021 announcement post: Lets make the web. Faster.
15 Jun 2021

The 3 best features announced at Next.js Conf 2021

3 min reading time

  • nextjs
  • javascript
PC with person drawing on paper behind it
25 May 2021

Creating a Markdown blog with Notion, Tailwind & Next.js

4 min reading time

  • nextjs
  • javascript
  • css
  • tailwind
Datepicker examples
17 May 2021

Formatting dates in javascript without a library

2 min reading time

  • javascript
Render of a 3D object with cubes
29 Apr 2021

Avoiding flash of unwanted animation on first render in React

2 min reading time

  • react
  • css
  • javascript
Gatsby Conf announcement 2021: the future web is here
3 Mar 2021

The 3 best features announced at GatsbyConf 2021

2 min reading time

  • gatsby
  • javascript
PC with dark mode website displayed and all black equipment around it
20 Jan 2021

Easy way to use Dark Mode in Next.js + Tailwind

2 min reading time

  • nextjs
  • javascript
  • css
  • tailwind
Compass lying on a physical map
17 Jan 2021

Highlighting navigation items on scroll in React with IntersectionObserver

2 min reading time

  • javascript
  • css
  • react